Documentation | Wish List |
In order to get web site or mailing list suggestions in one place, please feel free to enter any suggestions you may have here. It may help to include a statement about why you need a particular feature. It's ok to list a suggestion more than once (if you're a different person), or to add your name in parenthesis (RonM) to an existing suggestion.
Of course, these ideas will treated with due respect by all concerned (and more information may be requested), but no one can promise, at this point, that they will be implemented. Still, if no one knows what you need, it's very difficult to make it happen. :-)
Additions to the next base release
- Next Base release wish goes here -
I would like to see a more versatile backup system. Darrel May has gone a long way with his backup2 contrib but stops short of CD/DVD as a media. With Dual Layer writers and media abundantly available, this would seem to be a logical option.
- asterisk voip gateway
- authentication gateway
- ldap
- freeradius
- captive portal
- wifi+voip billing&accounting
- PLEASE include Netatalk 2.0 in next release. Netatalk 1.5 is slow, buggy and does not play nice in mixed environment of Mac OsX and Os9 clients.
(calisun) 3/18/05
The ability to authenticate against the LDAP server would be nice.
- isoqlog (for 6.0.1):
- securemail:
patched kernel, so ppptd works again
Peter Schubert
- Squidguard/SARG or Dans Guardian
Print Que Manager/Monitor
Having ability to assign multiple IP addresses to SME and bind apache to different IP based virtual servers with separate SSL certificates per IP
- I agree, but maybe there are some contribs that add functionality without compromising security and ease of administration. I made a comment in an email to Lycoris that I hoped that they would add some of the more popular contribs to the base package. I suspect that if they don't, when they start selling a commercial/supported version that they won't want to support users that have added contribs to add functionality. I think many will want to... I put some of my favourite contribs and security updates into an update script. It started as a forum post and is now on a Wiki page so anyone can modify it. More information here:
Greg Swallow - Oct 3, 2004
I have been deploying and administering SME servers since version 4. I think the base distribution installation should be just what the name says Small & Medium Enterprise Server. It should be simple, secure and easy to administer. Improving security, administration, control and server monitoring should be the priorities for the base distribution. Addition software and functionality should be left to the community to develop and users to decide whether to install or not.
As an example, there are some contribs I install or modifications I make to every SME server I deploy. Listed below in no particular order of priority.
I think these should be highly considered for addition to the next base release.
- LAT (Lazy Administrator's Tools)
some of this could be addressed in an more SME like way by a better, spreadsheet style design of the add user panel, for example.
- User Manager Panel
(care needs to be exercised here, as web panel code could be insecure if used by non-admin users)
- CtrlAltDel Shutdown
- Advanced Workgroup Samba Control
- Email Double Bounce elimination
(Shouldn't be required if recipients are verified during SMTP transaction)
- Update System
or some other updating method (Yum plus an official update repository would be a good start)
- Reinstate the console Internet test function
- Default 'abuse' & 'anonymous' email pseudonyms for admin
- Openvpn with a server-manager module to configure it. (without server-manager module)
- patched kernel, so pptp works fine.
(Beware: the kernel referenced by above link includes patented PPTP compression code - not distributable in US, and probably other places too)
- Power Switch shut down contrib (crazybob)
The following contribs would be nice to have as part of the base distribution.
- DHCP Management Panel
- Masq Manager Panel
- SM Panel Navigation Manager
- System Monitor
**** Note: The above contrib is not able to be distributed in the ISO under its current copyright. <monkey>
- Better Backup function like Backuppc
and - with a SM Panel for config and control)
- (Thanks, Jeff) One thing that has come up a few times is a desire to be able to configure an SME Server in Server-Only mode as a DHCP client. In some situations it is difficult to get a static IP from a network that you may not control yourself. SME is already configurable to do this on the external interface in either of the Server and Gateway modes, so I'm guessing this would not be a huge change. (RM)
- In Server Manager, it would be nice to have a panel (or part of one)with a text field, that, when submitted, writes directly to /etc/motd to show a login message. The "Access by unauthorized users or for unauthorized purposes is strictly prohibited" message helps keep the lawyers happy. Mdrone, over at Tech-geeks, has a great suggestion to use this as a record of patches, etc. ( ) and this would also facilitate that. (RM)
- (Inspired by forum post by Boris) Core SME should be just that - functions that almost everyone with SME would use. Other functionality could be added as "paks" - Advanced web server pak; Domain pak; Advanced Mail Server pak; Network/Server Monitoring pak; etc. Core functions should be just as they are - even base mail could be removed from the core distro by me, (but leave MySQL and php). (RonM)
my 2c.. it would be great a complete migration to samba 3 and total ldap W2k integration
regards (Stefano Zamboni)
I would like to see using a newer kernel that supports SATA. Allowing us to use SATA RAID. Also upgrading to the latest version of the UPS software would be nice. Thanks Piet
It would be nice to have a "browsable" checkbox in ibays - so we can hide ibays/webshares from the local network. A wins server box would be handy for routed/vpn networks. Regards Duncan
- Selective restore from tape backups
Who hasn't accidently deleted the wrong file.
- Virtual maildomains would be a great improvement to the SME server.
I have installed several SME's and often run into the problem handling mails on two or more domains. Regards Klaus Kolle, Denmark
**** Outgoing messages / Sent emails ****
under "Create, modify, or remove user accounts" it would be great to have options for outgoing messages. Item label "Outgoing Email" with options: 1. Both Send and forward. 2. Send. and a field for the forwarding address.
E.G. On the same page there is a label "Email Delivery" with options: 1.Both deliver locally and forward. 2.Deliver locally. 3.Forward email to address below. I've set up a "catchall" account so that all the user accounts (67) 'both deliver locally and forward' to the "catchall" account. The "catchall" account forwards to an account which is named YYYYMON and this therefore changes every month. This provides a copy of every email delivered which is great for when a user deletes one by mistake.
This would enable me (administrator) to have a copy of all outgoing and incoming emails for all accounts. Would be extremely useful. If I've missed something and this is possible already then please let me know. (JamesB - Newbie)
- Next Website wish goes here
- whoever designes it should look to Ubuntu's website front end. The front end should appear non technical, but professional.
- the wiki should be more easily accessible - cv - and directly addressed from something like
- (from devinfo) allow forum users to register to recieve (and reply to, if possible) forum posts by email (similar to old esmith forums). This request has been made by someone every 2-3 weeks for the last year. (RonM)
- If this (above) is done, please move all mailing lists to forums. Some folks need or prefer email, some (like me) do not. (RonM)
Web SME Documentation
- Next WEB Doc wish goes here
SME Documentation
- Details about the boot process that is different from standard Redhat process (which is avaible elsewhere) i.e the templates with as much details as possible. Something a newbie will almost understand.