VMware GSX-Server at SME 6.01-01
Author : Dietmar Berteld
Tested on SME Version 6.01-01 GPL
Updated : 2 May 2005
License : GPL
This Howto describes the way to use the VMware GSX-Server with SME 6.01-01 as HOST-OS.
1) Preparation
- Make a temp-directory for the installation files with mkdir /temp
- Download the
dev-tools (Version for SME 6.01-01) and install them with rpm -Uvh --nodeps *.rpm
- For a full X in the remote console on another computer, install the
X libraries with rpm -Uvh X*.rpm
2) Server-Installation
- Now it's time to install the VMware-GSX-Server. For this job use the original
The install-script will compile a stand alone version with the dev-tools. It should go by accepting the questions with default answers.
For experienced users it is be possible to set the location for the VM's in an ibay with setting it at /home/e-smith/files/ibays/vmware/files.
But this is also later configurable, when using the windows or linux-client.
3) Install the VMware Management Interface
- This can also be done with the original
Giving the default answers on the questions should be right and that's it.
4) Integration in the SME-Architecture
- To finish the installation, it must be integrated in the special SME-Server architecture.
Thanks a lot to Duncan Thomas , who created a brilliant rpm for handling this with installing templates for services,
hosts.allow and xinetd.conf and deals with vmware-authd.
Please install it from here with rpm -Uvh smeserver*.rpm
- Before reboot the server, do not forget:
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop vmware status enabled /
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event console-save /
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd.vmware /etc/rc7.d
After a reboot, the vmware-server should be available from a remote client.
6) Client-Installation
- For the windows-client, use
this installation
- For the linux-client, use
this installation
Have a lot of fun!
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