Accelerator R. Chen Internet-Draft Y. Su Intended status: Standards Track Z. Li Expires: 30 April 2025 J. Dou CAICT 16 October 2024 INTERNET-DRAFT An method of evaluating global accelerator based on cloud networking. draft-chenruihao-globalaccelerator-00 Abstract This document intends to serve as a standard for a global accelerator. Status of This Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." This Internet-Draft will expire on 30 April 2025. Copyright Notice Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved. This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Table of contents 1. Introduction 2.Basic functions 3.High availability capabilities 4.O&M management capabilities 5.Metering and billing accuracy 6.Security Considerations 7.IANA Considerations 8.References 8.1 Normative references to the reference documents 8.2 Terms, definitions, and abbreviations 1 Introduction This document states the architecture of the global accelerator. It includes basic functions and high availability capabilities. This document aims to standardize products and solutions. It focuses on global accelerator services. The goal is to improve services from providers. It also helps users choose appropriate services. Global Accelerator (GA) is a network acceleration service. It relies on high-quality BGP bandwidth to function. It uses global transmission network to achieve global network access. This service can reduce the impact of network problems. These problems include latency, jitter, and packet loss. The goal is to maintain service quality. GA instances optimize TCP, HTTP, and HTTPS connections. They can terminate TCP sessions nearby and uninstall SSL. This further enhances the acceleration effect. 2 Basic functions 2.1Overview This indicator is defined as the functions of nearby access and connection networking. 2.2Acceleration area coverage Covering major cities in China and at least 2 overseas regions. 2.3Networking Supports connectivity between public cloud acceleration area and origin server. 2.4Network acceleration 1)Supports connectivity between public cloud acceleration area and origin server; 2)Supports protocol acceleration for various transmission modes; 3)Supports routing strategies that dynamically detect line quality.; 3 High availability capabilities 3.1 Overview This metric defines the disaster recovery capability. 3.2 Intelligent DNS resolution 1)Assign an IP address to the nearest one via domain name resolution; 2)Different IPs are assigned for same domain name in varied regions; 3)Supports manual or automatic switching of nearby IP addresses. 3.3 Redundant link mechanism 1) Traffic automatically switches to redundant lines if one line fails. 2) Configure and modify related routes. 3) Redundant nodes or links are automatically switched. 3.4 Load on the origin server Origin server load mechanism is supported: 1)Configure and modify the load area of the origin server. 2)It can switch to the load area during network faults for service. 3.5 Health check mechanism 1)Supports Layer 4 and Layer 7 health checks for services; 2)Health checks can be configured for various acceleration regions; 3)The detection health check mechanism works properly. 4 O&M management features 4.1Overview This indicator represents O&M management for acceleration. It is important when providers offer solutions to customers. 4.2Resource monitoring Resource monitoring Verify that the O&M system has the function: 1)You can view the running status of the origin server and link; 2) You can view the network resource usage of GA. 4.3Alarm management 1)Alarm threshold configuration is supported; 2)Alarm policy configuration is supported; 3)Support email or SMS notification and alarm function (optional). 4.3 Fault management 1) Support to quickly locate faults; 2) Automatic line fault detection is supported. 4.4Log management Support log viewing and downloading. 5 Metering and billing accuracy 5.1Overview This metric ensures accurate metering and billing for providers. 5.2 Metrological accuracy 1)Metering accuracy of network resources; 2)Metering and billing based on user-defined requirements. 6 Security Considerations 6.1Overview This indicator is defined as the provision of comprehensive security considerations. 6.2 Account Management User identity authentication is supported. 6.2Network access control 1)Support access control of security policies such as WAF; 2)Blacklist and whitelist can be configured for access control. 6.3 Attack protection It enables configuration and control of access frequency and bandwidth. It also supports DDoS attack detection and protection. 6.3Security and compliance Providers must support data encryption according to laws. This includes security assessments of transmitted data. 7 IANA Considerations This document has no IANA actions. 8.References 8.1 Normative references to the reference documents The listed documents are essential provisions of this document. Dated references apply only to the corresponding version. Undated references refer to the latest version available. GB/T 32400-2015 Information Technology Cloud Computing Overview and vocabulary 8.2 Terms, definitions, and abbreviations GB/T 32400-2015 defined and the following terms, definitions and abbreviation. 8.2.1 Terms and definitions 8.2.2 Public cloud : public cloud A cloud deployment model can be used by any cloud service customer. [ GB/T 32400-2015 ,3.2.33] 8.2.3 Acceleration Area The region where the user accesses the service is located. 8.3 Abbreviations The following abbreviations apply to this document. VPC represents Virtual Private Cloud. SDWAN represents Software-Defined Networking in a WideArea Network. DNS represents Domain Name System. O&M represents Operations &Maintenance. WAF represents Web Application Firewall. Acknowledgments Authors' Addresses Ruihao Chen CAICT 52 Huayuan North Road Beijing China Email: Yue Su CAICT Email: Zihan. Li CAICT Email: Jiali. Dou CAICT Email: