GENERATING METADATA: 1) Customize the asgen-config.json configuration file (don't rename it!): - "ArchiveRoot" should point to a directory containing a checkout of the binary repos. - "Backend" should be "archlinux" for alpm based packages. - In "Suites", "sections" is a list with the repositories that should be indexed. - See for other options. 2) Run 'appstream-generator process arch' (Replace 'arch' by the suite name configured in asgen-config.json) 3) Move the contents of export/data/arch to for packaging PACKAGING: 4) Components-${arch}.xml.gz files should be renamed to include the repo name and installed to /usr/share/app-info/xmls/ 5) Icons-${size}.tar.gz should be decompressed and installed to /usr/share/app-info/icons/