Internet-Draft NASR-Architecture October 2024
Liu, et al. Expires 24 April 2025 [Page]
Intended Status:
C. Liu
M. Chen
China Mobile
M. Richardson
Sandelman Software Works
D. Lopez

Network Attestation for Secure Routing (NASR) Architecture


This document provides an architecture overview of NASR entities, interactive procedures and messages.

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 24 April 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Endpoints typically perceives no information of the properties of the paths over which their traffic is carried, especially when the properties are security-related. Therefore, data security (confidentiality, integrity and authenticity) has been insofar primarily protected by traffic signing and encryption mechanisms. Endpoint cannot choose devices with specific properties to bear transmission.

However, clients with high security and privacy requirements are not anymore satisfied with traffic signing and encryption mechanisms only; they now request information of the trustworthiness or security properties of the network paths over which the traffic is carried, preferably to choose the desired properties. For example, some clients may require their data to traverse through trusted devices and trusted links only, in order to avoid data being exposed to insecure devices, causing leakage.

Remote Attestation Procedures (RATS) working group developed procedures to establish a level of confidence in the trustworthiness of a device or a system. RATS provide 1. objective, appraisable evidence of a device’s trust or security properties, and 2. verifiable integrity proof to the evidence (Attestation Result). Devices with integrity proof are expected to function correctly and deterministically, as anticipated.

Following the same RATS philosophy and building on top of it, Network Attestation for Secure Routing (NASR) aims at a solution specifically designed for the routing use case. NASR aims to provide 1. objective, appraisable evidence of a routing path’s trust or security properties, 2. verifiable integrity proof in the path-level, and 3. verifiable proof that certain packets/flows traveled such paths.

Altogether, the NASR goal is to 1. Allow clients to choose desired security attributes of his received network service, 2. Achieve dependable forwarding by routing on top of only devices that satisfies certain trust requirements, and 3. prove to the clients that certain packets or flows traversed a network path that has certain trust or security properties.

This document introduces the architecture, entities, interactive procedures, and messages sent between the entities, so to achieve the NASR objective.

2. Use Cases

Please refer to the use cases identified in [I-D.liu-nasr-requirements-01]

3. Terminology

Please refer to the terminologies identified in [I-D.richardson-nasr-terminology-01]. Terminology from RATS Architecture document [RFC9344] also applies.

NASR will leverage RATS implementations and specifications, including but not limited to [I-D.ietf-rats-ar4si-06][I-D.ietf-rats-corim-04].

4. Architectural Overview

4.1. Single client - single operator (An Oversimplification)

     |               |
     | Relying Party |
     |               |
Path   |         |
Request|         | Report
       |         |
     +-v---------+--+                          +-----------+
     |              |      Path Attestation    |           |
     | Orchestrator |       Result (PAR)       | Verifier  |
     |              <--------------------------+           |
     +-+------------+                          +------^----+
       |                                              |
       | Path                                         |  Path
       | Evidence                                     |  Evidence
       | (PE)                                         |  (PE)
     +-v------------+      +-------------+     +------+----+
     |              |      |             |     |           |
     |   Attester   +------>  Attester...+-----> Attester  |
     |              |      |             |     |           |
     +--------------+      +-------------+     +-----------+
                   Update with         Update with
                    AR/RE/PoT           AR/RE/PoT

Figure 1. NASR Architecture-- Oversimplified

Fig. 1 is an oversimplification to ease understanding of the concept. In a single client - single operator scenario, a client (Relying Party) sends a Path Request containing his security or trustworthiness requirements of a leased line. The Orchestrator, run by the operator, would choose qualifying devices (Attesters) and send out an empty Path Evidence inquiry. The Attesters update the Path Evidence with its own Raw Evidence or Attestation Results one-by-one. The Verifier verifies the filled Path Evidence, produce a Path Attestation Result (PAR), and sends it back to the Relying Party. The Relying Party now have confidence over the trustworthiness of received network. After the end-to-end service is delivered, during service, Proof-of-Transits are also created by each Attester, being sent in-band accumulatively or out-of-band, to detect unexpected routing deviation.

This process is repeated periodically to continuously assure compliance.

4.2. Multi Client - Multi Operator

|                                    |
| Client X                           |
|             Path    +-----------+  |
| +----------+Evidence| Relying   |  |
| | Attester |<-------+ Party     |  |
| +--+-------+        +---^--+----+  |
+----+--------------------+--+-------+          +-------------+
     | Update       Answer|  | Path             |             |
     | Path         Report|  | Request          |             |
     | Evidence           |  |                  |  Vendors    |
+----+--------------------+--+-----------+      |             |
|    |                    |  |           |      |             |
|    |                    |  | Operator 1|      |             |
|    |                    |  |           |      |             |
| +--v--------+  RE   +---+--v--------+  |  RE  |+-----------+|
| |           +------->               +--+------>| Verifier  ||
| | Attester  |       | Orchestrator  |  |      || Vendor A  ||
| | Vendor A  <-------+               <--+------++           ||
| +--+--------+  AR   +------+--------+  |  AR  |+-----------+|
+----+-----------------------+-----------+      |             |
     | Update                | Intra            |             |
     | Path                  | ISP              |             |
     | Evidence              | API              |             |
+----+-----------------------+-----------+      |             |
|    |                       |           |      |             |
|    |                       | Operator 2|      |             |
|    |                       |           |      |             |
| +--v--------+  RE   +------v--------+  |  RE  |+-----------+|
| |           +------->               +--+------>| Verifier  ||
| | Attester  |       | Orchestrator  |  |      || Vendor B  ||
| | Vendor B  <-------+               <--+------++           ||
| +--+--------+  AR   +---^-----------+  |  AR  |+-----------+|
+----+--------------------+--------------+      |             |
     | Update             |   Path              |             |
     | Path               |   Attestation       |  ...        |
     | Evidence           |   Result (PAR)      |             |
+----+--------------------+----------+          |             |
|    |        Path        |          |          +-------------+
| +--v-------+Evidence+---+-------+  |
| | Attester +--------> Relying   |  |
| +----------+        | Party     |  |
|                     +-----------+  |
|  Client Y                          |

Figure 2. NASR Architecture

In a more generalized scenario, due to geographic distances, a single operator cannot span across a long distance to deliver an end-to-end service-- multiple operators collaborate to deliver it. The Customer A would send the Path Request to the Operator nearest to him (Operator 1). Operator 1 pass down the Path Request to the collaborating operators, through an intra-ISP API. Operators of different domains choose qualifying devices to altogether orchestrate the path.

Relying Party (customer) then sends the Path Evidence inquiry to check and attest to this path. Following the same procedure, the client of other side would return the Path Attestation Result back, through the operators. The Operator 1 would send back a comprehensive answer/report to the Client.

Also, the operators may have heterogeneous network devices from different vendors. Since vendors provide Verifier software/hardware and Reference Values, Verifiers can be deployed either outside the operators (Fig 2) or inside of the operators (Fig 3).

|                                 |
| Client X                        |
|             Path +-----------+  |
| +----------+Evid.| Relying   |  |
| | Attester |<----+ Party     |  |
| +--+-------+     +---^--+----+  |
     | Update    Answer|  | Path
     | Path      Report|  | Request               +-------------+
     | Evidence        |  |                       |  Vendors    |
+----+-----------------+--+-------------------+   |             |
|    |                 |  |                   |   |             |
|    |                 |  |   Operator 1      |   |             |
|    |                 |  |        +--------+ |   |             |
| +--v--------+ RE +---+--v---+ RE |Verifier| |   |+-----------+|
| |           +---->          +----> of     | |   || Verifier  ||
| | Attester  |    | Orches-  |    |Vendor  <-+---++ Owner     ||
| | Vendor A  <----+  trator  <----| A      | |   || Vendor A  ||
| +--+--------+ AR +------+---+ AR +--------+ |   |+-----------+|
+----+--------------------+-------------------+   |             |
     | Update             | Intra         Verifier              |
     | Path               | ISP           Software/Hardware     |
     | Evidence           | API           Reference Value       |
+----+--------------------+-------------------+   |             |
|    |                    |                   |   |             |
|    |                    |   Operator 2      |   |             |
|    |                    |        +--------+ |   |             |
| +--v--------+ RE +------v---+ RE |Verifier| |   |+-----------+|
| |           +---->          +----> of     | |   || Verifier  ||
| | Attester  |    | Orches-  |    |Vendor  <-+---++ Owner     ||
| | Vendor B  <----+  trator  <----| B      | |   || Vendor B  ||
| +--+--------+ AR +---^------+ AR +--------+ |   |+-----------+|
+----+-----------------+----------------------+   |             |
     | Update          |  Path                    | ...         |
     | Path            |  Attestation             +-------------+
     | Evidence        |  Result (PAR)
|    |        Path     |          |
| +--v-------+Evid.+---+-------+  |
| | Attester +-----> Relying   |  |
| +----------+     | Party     |  |
|                  +-----------+  |
|  Client Y                       |

Figure 3. Verifier deployed in operators

5. Roles

The existing roles from RATS Architecture document [RFC9344] applies.

In the case where an Attester is deployed in the customer premises, the Relying Party could also start the unfilled Path Evidence inquiry at his side.

New role(s) are defined below.

6. Conceptual Messages

The existing artifacts from RATS Architecture document [RFC9344] applies. New conceptual message(s) are defined here.

7. Orchestration

The orchestration process collects client's path requests and output configurations. The Orchestrator/Controller then distribute them to the attester/device using NETCONF/YANG or other control plane protocols. In the first case, a new YANG module needs to be defined.

               |                        |
Path Request   |Orchestrator/Controller |
-------------->|                        |
                          |Path and Security Configuration
                    | Attester/Device  |

8. Security Considerations

TODO Security

9. IANA Considerations

This document has no IANA actions.

10. Informative References

Asaeda, H., Ooka, A., and X. Shao, "CCNinfo: Discovering Content and Network Information in Content-Centric Networks", RFC 9344, DOI 10.17487/RFC9344, , <>.
Liu, P. C., Iannone, L., Lopez, D., Pastor, A., Chen, M., and L. Su, "NASR Use Case and Requirements", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-liu-nasr-requirements-01, , <>.
Richardson, M. and P. C. Liu, "Terminology and Use cases for Secured Routing Infrastructure", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-richardson-nasr-terminology-01, , <>.
Voit, E., Birkholz, H., Hardjono, T., Fossati, T., and V. Scarlata, "Attestation Results for Secure Interactions", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-rats-ar4si-06, , <>.
Birkholz, H., Fossati, T., Deshpande, Y., Smith, N., and W. Pan, "Concise Reference Integrity Manifest", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-rats-corim-04, , <>.


We sincerely thank contribution from NASR mailing list.

Authors' Addresses

Chunchi Liu
Meiling Chen
China Mobile
Michael Richardson
Sandelman Software Works
Diego Lopez