PATCH FOR XIA UTILITIES Copyright (c) 1996 Thomas McWilliams Distributed under terms of GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 This patch is to bring the building and installation of the Xia filesystem utilities into compliance with current Linux filesystem standards. There are no functional changes to the utilities other than fixing some mismatched printf() arguments in xfsck.c. To patch the original source code, place the files "xfspgm-patch-2" and "" in the same directory with "xiafspgm-0.8.1.z". Then you can either run the shell script "" to automatically invoke patch, OR you can run patch manually: tar zxvf xiafspgm-0.8.1.z patch -p0 < xfspgm-patch-2 2>&1 | tee patch-2.log. The author of these utilities and of the Xia filesystem is Frank Xia. He seems to have dropped out of sight, but his e-mail address was (is?) I am not actively maintaining any of the Xia code. This patch was only motivated by my converting some older Linux systems to ELF. Thomas McWilliams July 14, 1996