Begin2 Title = pov-2.2-linux.tar.gz Version = 2.2 Desc1 = This is the Persistence Of Vision ray tracer. This distribution Desc2 = includes source, documentation, sample scene files , Desc3 = an install script , fixes to source code/Makefile; Desc4 = all customized for Linux. Author = Chris Young and the POV-team. AuthorEmail = Maintainer = Tony Kay MaintEmail = Site1 = Path1 = /pub/Linux/Incoming File1 = pov-2.2-linux.tar.gz FileSize1 = 813Kb Required1 = The package compiles under Linux using gcc/glibc, and X11. Required2 = Testing was done using gcc 2.5.8 and glibc 4.5.24. CopyPolicy1 = This software is freely distributable. Copyrights do apply. CopyPolicy2 = See included legal notices. Keywords = ray tracing, graphics, modeling, pov Entered = 09JUL94 EnteredBy = Tony Kay CheckedEmail = End